Editorial Policy
There are two different types of content on our site: editorial and user-generated. Our editorial content is written by health experts, edited, fact-checked and reviewed. Our user-generated content, for example group discussions and comments, is provided by users like you and is therefore not subject to review.
Our aim
We want to help you to understand as much as possible about natural health. It’s our aim to provide you with high quality, objective and informed information that’s easy to understand and looks at the best of natural therapies, and health and wellbeing advice. We encourage you to maximize your wellbeing, and the wellbeing of those around you, by focusing on the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life at all times. You should always discuss information that you wish to act on from our site, or from anywhere else on the internet, with your healthcare professional.
Our editorial content
Our editorial content includes articles, video files, audio files, graphics, photographs, calculators, trackers and assessment tools that are published on this and other Blackmores websites at the direction of our Editorial and Content teams. We create or commission all editorial content on this website (unless stated otherwise). Before Blackmores publishes any content, there is a number of staff who view, edit and approve the content for medical accuracy, safety, fairness and sourcing. This ensures our standards are consistent, all regulatory requirements are met and the information we communicate to you is accurate.
Given the ever-changing nature of medical research, content related to treatments and conditions is reviewed every two years according to these same standards. In some cases, where determined necessary by our medical staff, the content is reviewed more often for continued accuracy and relevance.
User-generated content
User-generated content refers to content submitted by users of our website. This includes posts, discussions and blog comments. We encourage our users to share their experiences and points of view online, as this empowers our groups and builds a sense of community. Our User-generated content is personal, and as a result is not subject to a review process. We therefore urge you take care when evaluating this content. Please see our Posting Guidelines for more information.
Sites we link to
Our site may contain links to content published elsewhere on the Internet. These linked sites are not under the control of Blackmores, and we are not responsible for the conduct of companies linked to our site. Before disclosing your personal information on any other site, we advise you to examine the Terms and Conditions of those sites.
Updates to this policy
We will review this policy frequently and may update it. If we make changes, we will post the updated policy here with the effective date identified at the top of the page. Please let us know what you think. Write to us anytime at [email protected]
Posting Guidelines
Blackmores provides you with ways to share and discuss ideas and tips about natural health and wellbeing. As health can be a sensitive area, we ask that you remain tactful and use common sense when you are involved in discussions with others.
On our site you can share your health concerns, and we encourage you to be honest at all times. However, if you use inappropriate language, or discuss a threat of serious disease or physical harm to yourself or another person, we will edit/remove your posts immediately. If you feel you are having an emergency medical problem, seek professional help immediately Please follow the below guidelines, which apply to all content that you post on our site, including text, links, images and videos. Do make sure you adhere to these guidelines at all times, as this enables us to maintain a positive environment for all users.
Remember you’re in public and that information you post can be seen by anyone on the internet Respect the opinions of others Keep your posts relevant, and change groups if you wish to discuss something else Be open-minded, as everyone’s situation is different Behave ethically Be diplomatic when discussing touchy, awkward or sensitive subjects Remain unbiased and informative, and consider both sides of an issue. Keep your language tasteful (expletives, vulgar language and crude sexual references are forbidden).
- Threaten or harass other users
- Lie about your qualifications or personal details
- Discuss or link to offensive or objectionable content
- Post for commercial or advertising purposes
- Post content that isn't yours
- Discuss, link to, or engage in illegal activities
- Post personal information about someone else (unless you have their permission)
- Make unsupported claims – always use evidence or facts to support your statements
- Post or discuss content with vulgarities directed towards another person, organisation or entity
- Initiate arguments with other members
Please Remember
Some postings may be inaccurate or inappropriate for you and should not be taken as medical advice. If you need immediate medical attention or advice, contact your healthcare professional.
A Blackmores Administrator may be required to edit/remove community content that contains words or phrases that deem unfit for publication on our website. In addition, a Blackmores Administrator may be required to edit/remove community content that contains words or phrases concerning serious diseases. We also retain the right to remove any content that we deem inappropriate. Violations of our Posting Guidelines may result in warning, a suspension or deactivation of your Blackmores membership and all content associated with it. Groups that are found to be in violation of these guidelines are subject to editing by us and/or removal without notice. Please report any content you deem to be in violation of these guidelines by emailing [email protected]